When presenting your Investment for sale, I visually see a lot of shocking photographs online showing of investment properties For Sale, they are usually of Bedrooms or Kitchens with clutter all over the place, washing up still in the sink and objects scattered all over the floors. Pictures count when you are trying to entice savvy investors to part with their well-earned cash “simply tidy up” and present your Investment like your home “just for pictures” it will help you sell your asset and get a lot more interest.
At Star Investments, before we even take any picture we will either help you tidy up, dress the room or even get said tenant do it for us as you need every advantage when selling your Investment. Personally, I believe if an agent takes a bad shot it comes back on their brand and who they are, do you really want to work with a shoddy agent?
If your looking to sell an investment feel free to contact us on 01392 492072
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